100 Simple Past Sentences Examples, Past Simple Tense Example Sentences

100 Simple Past Sentences Examples, Past Simple Tense Example Sentences

Here are;

10 Simple Past Sentences Examples

20 Simple Past Sentences Examples

30 Simple Past Sentences Examples

40 Simple Past Sentences Examples

50 Simple Past Sentences Examples

200 Simple Past Sentences Examples


1.The teacher introduced a new topic.

2.I went to the party yesterday.

3.I went to the military ten years ago.

4.I got sick last week.

5.We ate pizza last week.

6.I drank beer last week.

7.I broke my leg last week.

8.I was very happy last week.

9.I came from London last week.

10.The three of us shared a chocolate.

11.I went to the theater at 7 o’clock.

12.I went to Italy last year.

13.I started a new job last month.

14.We moved to New York in 2013.

15.Frank started yelling.

16.Alex started shooting.

17.My aunts returned home.

18.I knew you didn’t go to school last week.

19.I spoke to the tourists in English.

20.I went to university outside the city.

21.I got my salary and went to the restaurant.

22.I prepared you a wonderful dinner.

23.We were not prepared for the assault.

24.Steve prepared for his imminent departure.

25.Soup was very tasty.

26.I got 85 points on the history exam.

27.I got a new job and bought a car.

28.I went to bed early yesterday.

29.He picked up the plates and left.

30.I prepared you a wonderful dinner.

31.My mother asked me for help.

32.I was very happy last week.

33.He played games on the computer all day.

34.I saw you in the garden last night.

35.I watched a very funny video on Youtube.

36.I came to school.

37.Did you hear the news?

38.Who told you this?

39.They cleaned the mosque.

40.My mother cleaned the house.

41.He cleaned the car yesterday.

42.Steve wearily cleaned the garden.

43.We cleaned the house together today.

44.I paid the repairman his money.

45.They met at school at five o’clock.

46.I came from London last week.

47.How long did you wait for us?

48.They came to help us yesterday.

49.I did not go to school yesterday.

50.We came home.

51.I came to school.

52.He came downstairs.

53.I came to thank you.

54.His tie came undone.

55.I came as a visitor.

56.He came to me scared.

57.He came to me calmly.

58.They came to help me.

59.The boy came running.

60.My parents came to us.

61.Steve came downstairs.

62.My parents came to us.

63.I got gas in the car and hit the road.

64.Mary sang a beautiful song.

65.What time did you come home?

66.Alex learned English.

67.Did you get a salary last month?

68.My mother cleaned the house.

69.I learned a lot in class yesterday.

70.I bought a new pair of pants.

71.He got up early in the morning.

72.I met the principal himself.

73.I met my father at the cafe.

74.My mom and dad met in London.

75.My son ate his dinner and went to the park.

76.I had my breakfast.

77.I ran 5 kilometers in the park yesterday.

78.He didn’t come with us yesterday.

79.He watched movies all day.

80.Workers watered the forests.

81.I broke the world record.

82.He broke the world record.

83.Steve broke down and cried.

84.Alex fell and broke his arm.

85.Nate and Mari just broke up.

86.I’m sorry I broke my promise.

87.He broke the jars on the way.

88.Details were discussed at the meeting.

89.They lived here as children.

90.We arrived at the office in the morning.

91.I loaned George $500.

92.We published this article.

93.I washed the tablespoons.

94.I washed my car yesterday.

95.He washed his feet and went home.

96.I fell down on the ice.

97.I fell down the stairs.

98.Alex fell into the mud.

99.I fell in love with her.

100.I fell and broke my arm.

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