Sentences with Tonne, Sentences about Tonne

Sentences with Tonne, Sentences about Tonne

1. An ounce of love is worth more than a tonne of gold.

2. A tonne of faith is easier to carry than a pebble of doubt.

3. A millisecond before fifty-two tonnes of intercontinental ballistic missile obliterated him completely.

4. It is truly ironic that a four-hundred tonne aluminium monster floats so effortlessly through the sky, and only the five-year-old thinks to say, “Wow!

5. There are two types of pain you will go through in life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tonnes.

6. How strange it is that the house of these hedonic stalwarts is filled with all the luxuries of life, right from plasma televisions to Swiss bank cheque books. So how will they notice the tonnes of food grains rotting in the northern belt?

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