Sentences with Face, Past and Past Participle Form Of Face V1 V2 V3
Base | Past | Past Participle |
face | faced | faced |
Sentences with Face
1. Wash your face.
2. Your face is pale.
3. He lied to my face.
4. Her face grew pale.
5. Her face turned pale.
6. Dry your face with a towel.
7. Suddenly, her face was pale.
8. A rash appeared on his face.
9. It has a transparent surface.
10. Her face is known to all people.
11. I saw his face in the dim light.
12. I focused the camera on her face.
13. Alex dried his face with a towel.
14. He had a severe look on his face.
15. A fair face may hide a foul heart.
16. The face is the index of the mind.
17. Steve deleted his Facebook account.
18. She is putting on some face lotion.
19. Jessica was ready to face her fate.
20. Samuel blew smoke in George’s face.
21. Frank wiped the sweat from his face.
22. Dare to breach the surface and sink.
23. One faces the future with ones past.
24. He shrank back in the face of danger.
25. I caught a glimpse of Jessica’s face.
26. As plain as the nose on a man’s face.
27. The toothache made his face swell up.
28. Do you wish to be punched in the face?
29. The look on my boss’s face was severe.
30. We check our Facebook profile every day.
31. Come nearer so that I can see your face.
32. All the color drained away from his face.
33. I drop my face to my hands and scrub hard.
34. A good face is a letter of recommendation.
35. He exclaimed, “What a dirty face you have!”
36. Tobias takes my face in this hands roughly.
37. We are faced with a very complex situation.
38. If I were you, I’d sue my face for slander.
39. This bride is covering her face with a veil.
40. Ice skating is not allowed on rough surfaces.
41. Notable due to the fact’s face could be seen.
42. Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun.
43. Have you ever washed your face with body soap?
44. Do you see it? This table has a smooth surface.
45. You don’t have to hide your face in front of me
46. We’ve been punching her in the face repeatedly.
47. You could see the look of scorn on Steve’s face.
48. Culture: the cry of men in face of their destiny.
49. If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?
50. He grabbed a towel and scrubbed his face and head.
51. Day plasters a giant artificial smile on his face.
52. The area from the surface to the inside, the depth.
53. When the enemy has no face, society will invent one.
54. Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.
55. I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.
56. The lake froze and the surface became perfectly smooth.
57. To stay true in the face of evil is a feat of strength.
58. My friend currently faces charges of aggravated assault.
59. Dogs are minor angels, and I don’t mean that facetiously.
60. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look.
61. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
62. We skim across the surfaces, heedless of the depths below.
63. God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.
64. Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.
65. Laughter is sunshine, it chases winter from the human face.
66. There was a look of woe on his face that was almost comical.
67. Never trust a shiny surface. They hide a multitude of flaws.
68. He had a dashing smile. It nearly dashed right off his face.
69. If you’re gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty.
70. The Darkest Minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces.
71. You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.
72. He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face in his chest.
73. Jest with an hole and he will flap you in the face with his tail.
74. Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.
75. It’s amazing he made it through without me bashing his pretty face.
76. Once the others were below, Hazel and Leo faced each other awkwardly.
77. All our silences in the face of racist assault are acts of complicity.
78. On the same day, Apollo 11 succeeded in landing on the moon’s surface.
79. The surface in this building is very smooth so take care when walking.
80. My attitude is, if someone’s going to criticize me, tell me to my face.
81. Marriage, if one will face the truth, is an evil, but a necessary evil.
82. Truth, and goodness, and beauty are but different faces of the same all.
83. I believe that truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction.
84. A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.