20 Examples Sentences of Would, Modal Would Sentences
1.Would you hand me the pencil?
2.Would you help me?
3.I would help you with Spanish.
4.They would go to the movies if you are interested.
5.If I had a car, I would drive around the world.
6.She promised she would tutor me.
7.Would you like tea?
8.Would you like to drink coffee?
9.Would you like some more lemon?
10.That would be hard.
11.She said that she would be help them move next month.
12.I would play the tennis when I was a child.
13.How about going to the circus tonight? It would so funny.
14.I wish they would stop fighting.
15.We are going to breakfast. Would you come? Yes, I would.
16.We knew he would be a doctor even when he was a little boy.
17.I knew I would win college this year.
18.What would Alex buy?
19.I would help you if I could.
20.I thought it would rain and I took my umbrella with me.