Audible in a Sentence, Sentences of Audible in English
1.I could tell by their audible gasps that the people on the beach were jealous of me when I found five shark’s teeth.
2.I want to know.” His words are a whisper, barely audible. “I want to know with you.
3.To talk to each other is but a more animated and an audible thinking.
4.Nervous?” he asked, his voice barely audible above the steady slice of his oars through the calm bay.
5.I love you Anna Covey,’ he said, his voice barely audible.
6.If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can’t be done.
7.She admired him; she was used to clutching her hands together in his wake and heaving audible sighs.
8.I have yet to hear God’s audible voice, although I have often felt led by God in more subtle ways.
9.My bewilderment was audible in the hush.
10.The sounds in the concert were not audible.