20 Complex Sentences Examples, English Examples of Complex Sentences

20 Complex Sentences Examples, English Examples of Complex Sentences

1.You had better wait until the fireman come.

2.Don’t leave the restaurant until the dishes here are washed.

3.While playing football, the ball thrown by my friend hit the boy crossing the street.

4.Elissa was very sick today and we will take her to the hospital now, before she gets worse.

5.Even after all these years, when I saw her, I was as excited as the first day.

6.The game we went to at the mall today was so much fun no matter how long it lasted.

7.Although he wanted to study abroad, he could not go because his father did not want him to go.

8.I saw him going to work in the morning when I was going to school.

9.While I was cooking he was still playing games on the computer.

10.Although I miss him so much, I cannot go to him because I do not have money.

11.Although I worked hard, I got a very low grade from the exam and stayed in the classroom.

12.A company is stronger if it is bound by love rather than by fear.

13.We are not speaking although we want to learn.

14.Although we want to learn, we are not speaking.

15.Before your friends come, you will clean your room.

16.After Tomas had solved the problem, Tomas explained the solution.

17.In case the traffic is congested on the road, you must go to work early.

18.Bella should take her driver’s license with her in case she needs it.

19.The book is so great that you’ll never forget the book.

20.The young man was so healthy that he could run every night.


Here  are +100 Examples of Complex Sentences

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