Sentences with Version, Sentences about Version in English

Sentences with Version, Sentences about Version in English

1. Every word a woman writes changes the story of the world, revises the official version.

2. Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

3. Some versions of patriotism come close to the tribal, which we all want to surpass, and some don’t.

4. It’s funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.

5. The sensitivity of men to small matters, and their indifference to great ones, indicates a strange inversion.

6. I don’t know what my version of a relationship or marriage is yet, because the typical model seems a little broken to me.

7. It was like being in a real, albeit messed-up, version of “The Hunger Games”. Psychedelics helped me to escape.. albeit momentarily.. from the prison of my mind.

8. I read Freud’s Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis in basically one sitting. I decided to enroll in medical school. It was almost like a conversion experience.

9. It’s such a diversion to be constantly thinking of better ways I can teach people math that my hunger is for that really, for new ways of translating the beauty of it.

10. I think it’s a very firm part of human nature that if you surround yourself with like-minded people, you’ll end up thinking more extreme versions of what you thought before.

11. Shyness is the fear of social disapproval or humiliation, while introversion is a preference for environments that are not overstimulating. Shyness is inherently painful; introversion is not.

12. I’m named after a horse. My mom’s best friend had a horse named Brooke, so my dad suggested ‘Brooklyn’ as a more formal version, and it just stuck – and now I live in Brooklyn part-time, so go figure.

13. Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels – men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

14. Family involvement is a valuable thing and playing together actively can be the ’90s version of it. Instead of just watching, you can do it together… something we don’t spend enough time on. We can motivate and excite each other about fitness.

15. I think no artist can claim to have any access to the truth, or an authentic version of an event. But obviously they have slightly better means at their disposal because they have their art to energize whatever it is they’re trying to write about. They have music.

16. I think we all have blocks between us and the best version of ourselves, whether it’s shyness, insecurity, anxiety, whether it’s a physical block, and the story of a person overcoming that block to their best self. It’s truly inspiring because I think all of us are engaged in that every day.

17. I just grew up watching a lot of movies. I’m attracted to this genre and that genre, this type of story, and that type of story. As I watch movies I make some version of it in my head that isn’t quite what I’m seeing – taking the things I like and mixing them with stuff I’ve never seen before.

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