Sentences with Truly, Sentences about Truly in English
1. I am truly my mother’s son.
2. The nature of this city is truly unique.
3. The heart that once truly loves never forgets.
4. This is truly a miracle what we’ve been through.
5. This is truly a miracle what we’ve been through.
6. All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.
7. You know what’s truly weird about any financial crisis?
8. The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
9. To have done anything just for money is to have been truly idle.
10. The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.
11. Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.
12. Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.
13. Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.
14. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
15. If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything.
16. Dear Sir: Regarding your article ‘What’s Wrong with the World?’ I am. Yours truly.
17. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
18. When a man or woman is truly honest, it is virtually impossible to insult them personally.
19. You’ll find unique animals that exhibit truly remarkable and bizarre features and behaviors.
20. The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward.
21. I still like the run and gun action movies and how truly dangerous it can be to make these films.
22. You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.
23. Can miles truly separate you from friends… If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?
24. To truly be committed to a life of honesty, love and discipline, we must be willing to commit ourselves to reality.