Sentences with Thus, 9 Sentences about Thus in English
1.Does anyone have any questions thus far?
2.I was thirsty thus I fell asleep.
3.Thus, the angry statesman was generally not successful in conquest.
4.Thus they decided it was absolutely innocent.
5.I was enthusiastic about cinema thus I wanted to be an actor.
6.Thus, an ethical problem still exists, and cigarette producers should not be allowed in target global markets.
7.I went out quickly without my father’s permission last night, thus I was hidden to make sure my brother never saw me.
8.Thus, some of the sentences he said were incomprehensible, and this child was very quiet, we even had difficulty hearing.
9.Thus if you desire love, you should try to understand that the best way to receive love is to give love and the more love you give, the more you get.