Sentences with Size, Sentences about Size in English

Sentences with Size, Sentences about Size in English

1. What size is that?

2. What’s your shoe size?

3. I’d like a medium size.

4. Do you have a bigger size?

5. Do you have a smaller size?

6. What size helmet do you wear?

7. The price depends on the size.

8. This size is too large for me.

9. Do you have any smaller sizes?

10. Their class has increased in size.

11. Please upload a smaller file size.

12. They are more or less the same size.

13. The boxes vary in size from small to large.

14. You can slim your waist one size by doing sports.

15. I wonder if this size has a number 38? Can you help me find it?

16. In suggesting gifts: Money is appropriate, and one size fits all.

17. How is it possible to find meaning in a finite world, given my waist and shirt size?

18. What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the ugliness.

19. Put the damn measuring tape away,” Vee ordered. “I already know my size. I don’t need reminding.

20. We come in many different shapes and sizes, and we need to support each other and our differences. Our beauty is in our differences.

21. I mean, no one asks beauty secrets of me, or ‘What size do you wear?’ or ‘Who’s your couturier?’ They ask me about really deep things and I love that.

22. The Scale of the Universe 2 is an educational game in which you are shown the sizes of different things in our universe in relation to other different things.

23. The size of your accomplishments, the quality of your achievement, will depend very largely on how big a man you see in yourself, what sort of image you get of your possible self, yourself at your best.

24. I had no idea of the size of my bank account as a teen, and I didn’t care to know. That was my mom’s job, I figured that I would just find out when I turned 18. If you can’t trust your mom, then who can you trust?

25. Mind you, I’ve always been a very off-message type of fat broad one who gladly admits she reached the size she is now solely through lack of discipline and love of pleasure, and who rather despises people (except those with proven medical conditions) who pretend that it is generally otherwise.

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