Sentences with Precious, Sentences about Precious in English

Sentences with Precious, Sentences about Precious in English

1. You are precious.

2. He is precious to us. CM

3. Water is as precious as air.

4. We’re wasting precious time.

5. You’re wasting precious time.

6. We have precious little time.

7. Nothing is as precious as love.

8. Time is the most precious thing.

9. Gold is more precious than iron.

10. The beauty of nature is precious.

11. You are my most precious treasure.

12. Health is the most precious thing.

13. There’s nothing as precious as love.

14. My children are very precious to me.

15. No gift is more precious than trust.

16. Nothing is as precious as friendship.

17. Friendship is the most precious of all.

18. Time is the most precious thing of all.

19. Gold is the most precious of all metals.

20. Time is more precious than anything else.

21. All great and precious things are lonely.

22. Health is the most precious thing we have.

23. Gold is more precious than any other metal.

24. Life is only precious because it ends, kid.

25. Friendship is as precious as anything else.

26. Our health is our most precious possession.

27. A mine is where you find precious minerals.

28. Sometimes water becomes a precious commodity.

29. Time is the most precious thing in the world.

30. It’s foolish to idle away one’s precious time.

31. Of all possessions a friend is the most precious.

32. Ancient, precious coins are exhibited in this museum.

33. Some things are more precious because they don’t last long.

34. Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.

35. Peace is much more precious than a piece of land… let there be no more wars.

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