Sentences with Page, Sentences about Page in English

Sentences with Page, Sentences about Page in English

1. What page are we on?

2. Thomas ripped the page out.

3. Can you page someone for me?

4. You must log in to view this page.

5. Read the passage on page 22, please.

6. This machine can print ten pages a minute.

7. In the morning, I reach for the sports page.

8. We are responsible for a ten-page assignment.

9. Another page turns on the calendar, April now, not March.

10. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

11. The library is inhabited by spirits that come out of the pages at night.

12. Words dazzle and deceive because they are mimed by the face. But black words on a white page are the soul laid bare.

13. At night, Samuel and her family write between 50 and 60 pages, whereas during the day they can only write 6 or 7 pages.

14. I remember my mom saying to me that what your friends do is one thing, but what you do could be on the front page of the paper.

15. I’m only wanted by directors for the image I give off, and it makes me angry. I always wanted to be an actor and not a beauty pageant winner.

16. I was never an ambitious girl, or even a self-confident one. I never went in for beauty pageants or wore a stitch of make-up until I went to Los Angeles.

17. I know that I’ve got big ears and a big forehead and that my hair sticks up. But I’m happy with myself. I’m not necessarily trying to win a beauty pageant here.

18. For me, a page of good prose is where one hears the rain and the noise of battle. It has the power to give grief or universality that lends it a youthful beauty.

19. What I couldn’t help noticing was that I learned more about the novel in a morning by trying to write a page of one than I’d learned in seven years or so of trying to write criticism.

20. Shortly thereafter, some friends encouraged me to try out for the Miss South Carolina World beauty pageant. To my surprise, I won – and was sent to New York City to compete nationally.

21. Open a book this minute and start reading. Don’t move until you’ve reached page fifty. Until you’ve buried your thoughts in print. Cover yourself with words. Wash yourself away. Dissolve.

22. I am up at 3:30, reading the op-ed pages and getting ready to be on the air by 6 A.M. on the set of ‘Morning Joe,’ and after three hours of TV and two hours on the radio, it is only 12 noon.

23. There would be nights when I would wake up and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I would go downstairs and write. The staff had a pool going on how many pages of typing I would bring in here in the morning.

24. We have become aware of the responsibility for our attitude towards the dark pages in our history. We have understood that bad service is done to the nation by those who are impelling to renounce that past.

25. Gay marriage has jumped out of the closet on to the front page. Everyone from the president of the U.S. to retired four-star general Colin Powell is embracing the issue, now supported by most Americans. Still, a few people, like former First Lady Laura Bush appear to be conflicted.

26. I started writing morning pages just to keep my hand in, you know, just because I was a writer and I didn’t know what else to do but write. And then one day as I was writing, a character came sort of strolling in and I realized, Oh my God, I don’t have to be just a screenwriter. I can write novels.

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