Sentences with Nutrition, Sentences about Nutrition

Sentences with Nutrition, Sentences about Nutrition

1. There isn’t much nutrition in potato chips.

2. Nutrition is inadequate in some poor areas.

3. You should pay more attention to nutrition.

4. Steve doesn’t pay much attention to nutrition.

5. Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet.

6. Information about nutrition is available on most packaged foods.

7. Understanding these nutrition terms may make it easier for you to make better food choices.

8. Try to include all food groups (milk, meat, vegetables-fruits, grains) in your nutrition plan every day.

9. Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease.

10. Nutritionists use ideas from molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics to understand how nutrients affect the human body.

11. This product has no known nutritional value and may cause irritability or wakefulness in some individuals. Please enjoy your selection and your day.

12. I took anatomy classes. I went to medical libraries and talked to doctors and nutritionists. I did the whole thing before using myself as a human guinea pig.

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