Sentences with Level, Sentences about Level in English

Sentences with Level, Sentences about Level in English

1. Death is the grand leveler.

2. The fuel level is below empty.

3. Have you checked the oil level recently?

4. He plays chess at an international level.

5. Education level in rural areas was very low.

6. Life levels all men. Death reveals the eminent.

7. We can be dominant or submissive to varying levels.

8. The “alkaline” in alkaline water refers to its pH level.

9. If beauty isn’t genius it usually signals at least a high level of animal cunning.

10. Being a working mom is not easy. You have to be willing to screw up at every level.

11. Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.

12. It is very important that the exercises are at a level that does not cause excessive fatigue.

13. But my happiness in this world – my level of peace – is never going to be dictated by acting.

14. Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

15. Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

16. I write the vocals last, because I wanted to invent the music first and push the music to the level that I had to compete against it.

17. Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil, demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another.

18. I love acting. It’s my playground, it let’s me explore. But my happiness in this world – my level of peace – is never going to be dictated by acting.

19. Every goal, every action, every thought, every feeling one experiences, whether it be consciously or unconsciously known, is an attempt to increase one’s level of peace of mind.

20. I have been recently diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disease which is an ongoing medical condition that affects my energy level and causes fatigue and joint pain.

21. The sport of horse racing which, at its best, showcases the majestic beauty of this animal and the athleticism of jockeys, has reached an alarming level of corruption and exploitation.

22. Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.

23. I don’t know many women who can relate to Sharon Stone and the kind of movies she does. I don’t know a lot of guys who can relate to Tom Cruise’s movies because they’re on a kind of fantastic level.

24. It’s really interesting with art-movies too, but art especially – to see how your attitude toward artists and works and your level of appreciation of them is always shifting and changing over the years.

25. The development of beauty in chess never depends on you alone. No matter how much imagination and creativity you invest, you still do not create beauty. Your opponent must react at the same highest level.

26. The way that same-sex marriage should reach the federal level is that it absolutely should be decided by the Supreme Court as quickly as possible. It’s a 14th Amendment issue. There’s no argument about it.

27. The minute you try to talk business with him he takes the attitude that he is a gentleman and a scholar, and the moment you try to approach him on the level of his moral integrity he starts to talk business.

28. If we can reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical technology through advances in nanotechnology, we can more widely address the medical conditions that are prevalent and reduce the level of human suffering.

29. There is only one thing for us to do, and that is to do our level best right where we are every day of our lives To use our best judgment, and then to trust the rest to that Power which holds the forces of the universe in his hands.

30. I’ve never run into a guy who could win at the top level in anything today and didn’t have the right attitude, didn’t give it everything he had, at least while he was doing it wasn’t prepared and didn’t have the whole program worked out.

31. My mom bought me a white Strat, but that wasn’t what I wanted, so I went to a guitar store in Cleveland and – the guy told me it was a really good deal – made an even swap for a blue Teisco Del Ray. I loved that guitar and used it a bunch.

32. While 45 of the 50 States have either a State constitutional amendment or a statute that preserves the current definition of marriage, left-wing activist judges and officials at the local levels have struck down State laws protecting marriage.

33. If women are supposed to be less rational and more emotional at the beginning of our menstrual cycle when the female hormone is at its lowest level, then why isn’t it logical to say that, in those few days, women behave the most like the way men behave all month long?

34. I think you may see again a rise at the federal government level for a – a call for the federal constitutional amendment, because people want to make sure that this definition of marriage remains secure, because after all, the family is the fundamental unit of government.

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