Sentences with Concept, Sentences about Concept in English

Sentences with Concept, Sentences about Concept in English

1. Agile manufacturing can include this concept.

2. Several concepts may be considered when thinking about invention.

3. A single feat of daring can alter the whole conception of what is possible.

4. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future.

5. Our spiritual attitude is determined by our conception of our relation to infinite spirit.

6. None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace.

7. The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.

8. The term invention is also an important legal concept and central to patent law systems worldwide.

9. Many people dedicate their lives to actualizing a concept of what they should be like, rather than actualizing themselves.

10. Sleep is confusing. Dreams are baffling. The concept of transitioning from one perceived reality to another is a tolerated madness.

11. Unless our conception of patriotism is progressive, it cannot hope to embody the real affection and the real interest of the nation.

12. There is an urgent need for a radical revision of our current concepts of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter and the brain.

13. The concept of active cooperation has taken the place of opposition to the new form of government and of dreamy resignation entranced with the beauty of times past.

14. People need jobs, people need happy and successful lives there should be marriage between one man and one woman, there should the value of person from conception until natural death.

15. We coin concepts and we use them to analyse and explain nature and society. But we seem to forget, midway, that these concepts are our own constructs and start equating them with reality.

16. I’m fulfilled in what I do. I never thought that a lot of money or fine clothes – the finer things of life – would make you happy. My concept of happiness is to be filled in a spiritual sense.

17. Moving on, as a concept, is for stupid people, because any sensible person knows grief is a long-term project. I refuse to rush. The pain that is thrust upon us let no man slow or speed or fix.

18. I would like to promote the concept of a partnership of insurance companies, physicians and hospitals in deploying a basic framework for an electronic medical records system that is affordable.

19. Beauty, like truth, is relative to the time when one lives and to the individual who can grasp it. The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.

20. I’m not a concept. Too many guys think I’m a concept or I complete them or I’m going to ‘make them alive’…but I’m just a fucked up girl who’s looking for my own peace of mind. Don’t assign me yours.

21. Avon invented the concept of direct marketing and direct selling beauty. And that’s still very valid to us. We’ll have a firm that will be around for another 114 years as strongly as it was the first 114.

22. It’s about time we all faced up to the truth. If we accept the radical homosexual agenda, be it in the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives, we are utterly destroying the concept of family.

23. No further evidence is needed to show that ‘mental illness’ is not the name of a biological condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is to obscure the obvious.

24. There is a big misconception about arranged marriage. Yes, it can mean that you meet someone and then have to marry them, but this was my mother saying, ‘I’m going to introduce you to so-and-so – If you don’t like them, fair enough.’

25. Music has always been my back door to life. It is important for people to find something that excites them. I like the concept that if you do what excites you, you will be rewarded generously, whatever form reward takes, which is not necessarily money.

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