Sentences with Cancer, Sentences about Cancer in English

Sentences with Cancer, Sentences about Cancer in English

1. Alcohol can cause cancer.

2. Smoking may cause cancer.

3. Smoking can cause cancer.

4. Cancer can have various causes.

5. The doctor cured her of her cancer.

6. More men die of jealousy than of cancer.

7. Jessica’s donating money for cancer research.

8. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 13 and it was something we weren’t really aware of as a family.

9. Christian, you are the state lottery, the cure for cancer, and the three wishes from Aladdin’s lamp all rolled into one.

10. Christian, you are the state lottery, the cure for cancer, and the three wishes from Aladdin’s lamp all rolled into one.

11. My mom, she’s a breast cancer survivor and because of that I had started getting mammograms once a year, starting at age 30.

12. I have no qualms about saying I am more confident in the medical treatment in America. The breast cancer survival rate is 20 per cent higher than in the UK.

13. My mom was truly an iconic figure, a great journalist and a pioneering woman who died at 54 of cancer without ever having revealed to viewers that she was ill.

14. Thank you for explaining that my eye cancer isn’t going to make me deaf. I feel so fortunate that an intellectual giant like yourself would deign to operate on me.

15. Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this great war for the victorious peace of justice must go on until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body.

16. Most medical physicists work in the physics of radiation oncology making sure that the desired dose is given to the cancer and the dose to normal tissues are minimized.

17. Cancer has been unfortunately in my life. My mom’s best friend is kicking ass in her battle with breast cancer. Both of my grandmas had cancer. I recently lost a friend to cancer.

18. Although awareness of cancer‘s prevalence in the United States improves and medical advances in the field abound, pancreatic cancer has largely been absent from the list of major success stories.

19. My mom died of cancer when I was really young. I’m not someone who tries to work out their own stuff with a role, but I think that happened despite my best efforts to keep myself separate from it.

20. The medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many more problems are through healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved to move, yet we now use the energy in oil instead of muscles to do our work.

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