Sentences with Blew, Sentences about Blew

Sentences with Blew, Sentences about Blew

1. The whistle blew.

2. I blew the candle out.

3. The wind blew her hat off.

4. Samuel winked and blew a kiss.

5. Samuel blew smoke in George’s face.

6. We blew up a huge rock with dynamite.

7. The bomb blew My mother’s car to smithereens.

8. Zoya blew a damp curl from her forehead. “Oncat as a better chance than you.

9. When I got political that blew our marriage out of the water. I was not the same person and I admit that.

10. My dad never blew anything up, but he probably had friends who did. He and my mom have always preached that the pen is mightier than a Molotov cocktail.

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