Sentences with Assignment, Sentences about Assignment

Sentences with Assignment, Sentences about Assignment

1. We are responsible for a ten-page assignment.

2. I need to finish this assignment as soon as possible.

3. If I knew some Spanish, I could help you with your Spanish assignment now.

4. 8.If I knew some Spanish, I could help you with your Spanish assignment now.

5. You will certainly have a hard time doing this assignment, but the result will make you very happy.

6. Never refuse an assignment except when there is a conflict of interest, a potential of danger to you or your family, or you hold a strongly biased attitude about the subject under focus.


1. They have assigned me a small room.

2. He assigned me three books to read.

3. My boss assigned the hard job to me.

4. Steve will be assigned to assist you.

5. I have to assign more men to that work.

6. I was assigned to deal with the matter.

7. We have been assigned the large classroom.

8. We are responsible for a ten-page assignment.

9. The teacher assigned us ten problems for homework.

10. I need to finish this assignment as soon as possible.

11. The task assigned to him was to do marketing research.

12. Jessica’s favorite teacher, Mrs. Steve, assigned Alex.

13. Who would dare assign to art the sterile function of imitating nature?

14. If I knew some Spanish, I could help you with your Spanish assignment now.

15. We trifle when we assign limits to our desires, since nature hath set none.

16. 8.If I knew some Spanish, I could help you with your Spanish assignment now.

17. This vowel change has much to do with the overall accent pattern assigned to each word.


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