1000 Regular Verbs Sentences Examples, Regular Verbs Examples Sentences
Infinitive | Past | Participle |
Accept | Accepted | Accepted |
Act | Acted | Acted |
Achieve | Achieved | Achieved |
Admire | Admired | Admired |
Advise | Advised | Advised |
Affect | Affected | Affected |
Agree | Agreed | Agreed |
Amaze | Amazed | Amazed |
Amuse | Amused | Amused |
Answer | Answered | Answered |
Appear | Appeared | Appeared |
Arrange | Arranged | Arranged |
Arrive | Arrived | Arrived |
Ask | Asked | Asked |
Attack | Attacked | Attacked |
Bake | Baked | Baked |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved |
Believe | Believed | Believed |
Belong | Belonged | Belonged |
Blame | Blamed | Blamed |
Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed |
Bother | Bothered | Bothered |
Call | Called | Called |
Cancel | Canceled | Canceled |
Carry | Carried | Carried |
Cause | Caused | Caused |
Celebrate | Celebrated | Celebrated |
Clean | Cleaned | Cleaned |
Clear | Cleared | Cleared |
Climb | Climbed | Climbed |
Destroy | Destroyed | Destroyed |
Dicrease | Dicreased | Dicreased |
Die | Died | Died |
Disagree | Disagreed | Disagreed |
Discover | Discovered | Discovered |
Discuss | Discussed | Discussed |
Disturb | Disturbed | Disturbed |
Dress | Dressed | Dressed |
Dry | Dried | Dried |
Eliminate | Eliminated | Eliminated |
End | Ended | Ended |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed |
Entertain | Entertained | Entertained |
Excuse | Excused | Excused |
Exercise | Exercised | Exercised |
Exhibit | Exhibited | Exhibited |
Expect | Expected | Expected |
Express | Expressed | Expressed |
Film | Filmed | Filmed |
Fill | Filled | Filled |
Fish | Fished | Fished |
Fix | Fixed | Fixed |
Follow | Followed | Followed |
Freeze | Freezed | Freezed |
Fry | Fried | Fried |
Greet | Greeted | Greeted |
Guess | Guessed | Guessed |
Hail | Hailed | Hailed |
Handle | Handled | Handled |
Happen | Happened | Happened |
Hate | Hated | Hated |
Help | Helped | Helped |
Hope | Hoped | Hoped |
Hunt | Hunted | Hunted |
Identify | Identified | Identified |
Ignore | Ignored | Ignored |
Imagine | Imagined | Imagined |
Impress | Impressed | Impressed |
Improve | Improved | Improved |
Include | Included | Included |
Increase | Increased | Increased |
Interview | Interviewed | Interviewed |
Introduce | Introduced | Introduced |
Invite | Invited | Invited |
Jog | Jogged | Jogged |
Join | Joined | Joined |
Jump | Jumped | Jumped |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked |
Label | Labeled | Labeled |
Land | Landed | Landed |
Last | Lasted | Lasted |
Learn | Learned | Learned |
Like | Liked | Liked |
Link | Linked | Linked |
List | Listed | Listed |
Listen | Listened | Listened |
Live | Lived | Lived |
Locate | Located | Located |
Look | Looked | Looked |
Love | Loved | Loved |
Manage | Managed | Managed |
Mark | Marked | Marked |
Match | Matched | Matched |
Measure | Measured | Measured |
Mention | Mentioned | Mentioned |
Miss | Missed | Missed |
Move | Moved | Moved |
Name | Named | Named |
Need | Needed | Needed |
Note | Noted | Noted |
Notice | Noticed | Noticed |
Number | Numbered | Numbered |
Offer | Offered | Offered |
Open | Opened | Opened |
Order | Ordered | Ordered |
Organize | Organized | Organized |
Pack | Packed | Packed |
Paint | Painted | Painted |
Pamper | Pampered | Pampered |
Pardon | Pardoned | Pardoned |
Park | Parked | Parked |
Participate | Participated | Participated |
Pass | Passed | Passed |
Perform | Performed | Performed |
Persuade | Persuaded | Persuaded |
Pick | Picked | Picked |
Plan | Planned | Planned |
Play | Played | Played |
Please | Pleased | Pleased |
Practice | Practiced | Practiced |
Predict | Predicted | Predicted |
Prefer | Preferred | Preferred |
Present | Presented | Presented |
Program | Programmed | Programmed |
Protect | Protected | Protected |
Provide | Provided | Provided |
Purchase | Purchased | Purchased |
Push | Pushed | Pushed |
Rain | Rain | Rain |
Receive | Received | Received |
Recommend | Recommended | Recommended |
Relate | Related | Related |
Relax | Relaxed | Relaxed |
Release | Released | Released |
Remember | Remembered | Remembered |
Repair | Repaired | Repaired |
Repeat | Repeated | Repeated |
Resist | Resisted | Resisted |
Rest | Rested | Rested |
Return | Returned | Returned |
Review | Reviewed | Reviewed |
Sail | Sailed | Sailed |
Save | Saved | Saved |
Scan | Scanned | Scanned |
Scare | Scared | Scared |
Share | Shared | Shared |
Shop | Shopped | Shopped |
Shout | Shouted | Shouted |
Skate | Skated | Skated |
Ski | Skied | Skied |
Slow | Slowed | Slowed |
Sneeze | Sneezed | Sneezed |
Snow | Snowed | Snowed |
Solve | Solved | Solved |
Spell | Spelled | Spelled |
Start | Started | Started |
Step | Stepped | Stepped |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped |
Stress | Stressed | Stressed |
Study | Studied | Studied |
Substitute | Substituted | Substituted |
Suggest | Suggested | Suggested |
Please accept my best thanks.
The majority didn’t accept the proposal.
Sometimes the biggest act of courage is a small one.
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
People achieve more when they cooperate.
Everyone in the school was struggling to achieve success.
I admire your courage.
I admire you for your courage.
We wish to advise you of the following price reductions.
I advise you to stop smoking.
These events will affect the future of the children.
Your attendance will affect your final grade.
I can’t, however, agree with your opinion.
I can’t, however, agree with your opinion.
Little things amuse little minds.
Declarations of love amuse me. Especially when unrequited.
I won’t answer questions.
This answer is very interesting.
I appear to have misplaced my keys.
Speak (talk) of the devil and he will appear (is sure to appear).
Let’s try to arrange something.
I’d like to learn how to arrange flowers.
Please arrive at the meeting on time.
We have to arrive on time.
Go ahead and ask Tom.
I will ask a question.
The enemy’s attack ceased at dawn.
On the morning of 28 July, a massive rocket attack was launched on Mykolaiv.
If I have enough strawberries, I will bake a strawberry cake for you.
If I have enough strawberries, I will bake a strawberry cake for you.
You must never behave as if your life belongs to a man. Do you hear me?
In recent years, she started to behave very aggressively.
What led you to believe so?
He added that he didn’t believe it.
I am broken and healing, but every piece of my heart belong to you.
The dogs belong to them.
Can you blame them?
Don’t blame the victim.
Could I borrow your gray suit?
Could I borrow your notebook?
My father did not even bother to answer me.
Don’t bother to give God instructions; just report for duty.
Ah, we forgot to call my grandmother today.
To call off the dogs.
Can I cancel this ticket?
Could you cancel my reservation?
If you agree to carry the calf, they’ll make you carry the cow.
I want you to carry on with the work while I am out of country.
Will the therapy cause me any pain?
If you don’t brush your teeth, they will decay and cause pain.
Our family doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
Muslims celebrate Eid.
We need to clean the barn.
To come out with clean hands.
The mist will clear off very soon.
You must steer clear of that gang.
Steve struggled to climb to the top.
The climb to the summit took six hours.
You can destroy wood and brick, but you can’t destroy a movement.
We intend to destroy it.
To awake from death is to die in peace.
I can’t afford to die I’d lose too much money.
You should know I disagree with a lot of traditional advice.
Mencius said that human nature is good. I disagree with that.
The world is a possibility if only you’ll discover it.
The world is a possibility if only you’ll discover it.
Let’s discuss that problem later.
Let’s discuss it over dinner.
They can listen to music provided they disturb nobody.
I don’t want to disturb Ketty.
Michael has bought a new dress but she hasn’t worn it yet.
I have to dress up.
I only feed my dog dry dog food.
My shirt isn’t dry yet.
The end doesn’t justify the means.
The future is uncertain but the end is always near.
It’s raining very hard today. Nonetheless, let’s go out and enjoy ourselves!
They work hard, they enjoy life, they make plans for the future.
Will you entertain the guests while I get dressed?
The only excuse for war is that we may live in peace unharmed.
You have no excuse for being early.
I encouraged Alex to exercise more often.
The prosecutor did not exercise his right of appeal.
I have no use for people who exhibit manners.
Don’t you have a museum exhibit to be in somewhere ?
In any investment, you expect to have fun and make money.
George certainly didn’t expect to win.
People often express our emotions nonverbally.
I’d like to express my gratitude.
I’m not a film buff. I don’t watch a lot of movies.
I think English film is very embarrassed by patriotism, generally.
How many liters does it take to fill a hot tub?
Jack needed to fill out lots of forms.
The cat would eat fish and would not wet her paws.
We will eat fish in the evening, my father will cook it.
She tugged awkwardly at the strip of towel. “I need Nina to fix this one.
I’m trying to fix the computer.
You should follow Alex’s example.
Do not follow me! Let’s just be fabulously where we are and who we are.
They could freeze to death.
If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.
It’s so hot outside, you could fry an egg.
Please, fry me some eggs.
Love consists of this: two solitudes that meet, protect and greet each other.
Can’t you guess what I’m doing?
We guess that’s true.
All hail the alliance.
The hail cracked the window.
I’d like Tom to handle this investigation.
I think we can handle this.
The president of America will not let things happen that way.
Ignorance is the worst thing that can happen to a society.
It’s funny, but those who hate me the most sometimes inspire me the most.
I hate bugs.
Could I help you?
Parents have to help their children in all matters.
I sincerely hope you’ll get well soon.
He clung to the hope that he could be a lawyer.
To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
Please identify yourselves.
To insure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations.
Regrets ignore chronology. They float around.
I can’t imagine that it’s true.
I imagine that’s true.
Men are like wine – some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.
My son is trying to improve his English and I support him.
Agile manufacturing can include this concept.
Common properties of alkaline aqueous solutions include …
They asked for an increase of salary.
I want to increase my vocabulary.
I’d like to formally introduce you to this beautiful girl at my side.
I wanted to introduce myself.
My daughter will invite her friends to the house.
Even if they invite me, I won’t go there.
I jog twice a week.
I’d like to join your group.
I am very happy to join the jury.
I’ll try to jump over this stream on a horse.
I want a jump rope with wooden handles.
What time will they knock off?
Marriage hasn’t been my thing. But gay people, knock yourselves out!
I told Samuel to label all the boxes.
Attach this label to your package.
Alex will land in Paris in an hour and a half.
Most of the land was barren.
The boy whose dog bit my daughter last week called me to say sorry.
I broke my leg last week.
He wants to learn whether there is a party today or not.
The men who learn endurance, are they who call the whole world, brother.
Great men are like eagles, and build their nest on some lofty solitude.
But I have some complaints I’d like to file about your personnel.
One link broken, the whole chain is broken.
For more details, please click the link below.
Go forth under the open sky, and list To Nature’s teachings.
We do not express a list of independent sounds while we talk.
When seeking guidance, don’t ever listen to the tiny-hearted.
Please listen carefully.
They live in the house opposite to ours.
Most people live in urban areas.
Jev stroked his chin. “Do I look like a summer fling?
These two mice look alike.
I love playing moms. It’s a lot easier than being a mom, I hear.
But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things.
But life isn’t hard to manage when you’ve nothing to lose.
How do you manage to be such a boring person Jane?
Logo design is all about creating the perfect visual brand mark for a company.
One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.
We’re going to play a football match tomorrow.
I was watching football match on TV when he called.
In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.
How do we measure how poor or wealthy a given nation is compared to another?
Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.
If you don’t hurry, you will miss the train.
I miss you very much.
Sometimes to make the point I have to move to other animal metaphors.
Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on.
Delete his name from the list of the applicants.
Someone remembers, someone cares; your name is whispered in someone’s prayers.
People need to start to think about the messages that they send in the movies.
I need a bigger challenge.
Make a note of what I said.
Tom and Chris acted nervous when our teacher found the note about her.
Maya looked around but she couldn’t notice her phone was right in front of her.
Frank kindly pretended not to notice that Jessica had been crying.
Look up the number in the phone book.
That has received generally good reviews from a number of critics.
She considered his offer carefully.
If I were a chairman, I would offer new and different ideas.
Please open the door quickly.
The castle has been restored and is open to the public.
I will do my best in order to teach you English.
Frank disobeyed a direct order from a superior officer.
If money was my only motivation, I would organize myself differently.
We organize an entertainment for children at school.
Animals used in transportation include pack animals and riding animals.
Make sure you pack warm clothes.
I had the artist paint my portrait.
Blend the blue paint with the yellow paint.
She went to the park yesterday.
Alex saw Jessica sitting alone on a park bench.
Did the union participate in the demonstration?
However, parties usually participate actively in mediations once they begin.
I will pass the exam.
After they pass the town, they must turn to the left.
She is trying to persuade her friend to come home.
I tried to persuade him, but in vain.
I bent over to pick up the pen.
Let’s pick up the pace.
This plan requires secrecy.
You cannot expect victory and plan for defeat.
She loves to play football, however her troubles do not allow it.
The two teams play voleyball the next day.
If you try to please all you will please none.
Could you please turn down the heat?
You must practice it at regular intervals.
Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
I can’t predict what might happen.
I really enjoyed that movie. However, I prefer the book.
Of the two choices, I prefer the latter.
Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.
I live in the present due to the constraints of the time-space continuum.
This program has both downloading and uploading capabilities.
That program is broadcast every other week.
We’ve got to protect ourselves.
What do you want to protect us from?
Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy.
The governor decided to provide assistance for the victims.
My father wants to purchase a new Arab.
I paid for the purchase in cash.
How about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim?
It’s supposed to be automatic, but actually you have to push this button.
The rain spoiled our picnic.
The rain prevented me from coming.
A child may receive an allowance each week or each month.
The workers neither receive their money nor their meal wages.
You can easily recommend listening that daily motion channel about horses.
As an educator, I recommend you to read books.
I like movies I can relate to.
What qualifications do you have that relate to the position?
Everything we release with Tool is inspired by our music.
Samuel forgot to release the brake.
You remember Steve, don’t you?
When you’re in the arena… you just remember who the enemy is.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
He will repair old wooden items.
Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!
Can you please repeat that?
I can resist everything except temptation.
A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.
The rest of her must be recycled, too.
Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
When do you return home?
I return very tiredly after going to school, so I surely need to sleep today.
We had better review all subjects before the math exam.
We need to review the case.
This ship will sail south tomorrow morning.
I’d like to sail around the world.
Spare no expense to save money on this one.
To save one’s bacon.
When we’re telling ghost stories around a campfire, and I want to scare you.
Spiders scare me.
Alex doesn’t share his food.
Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.
This coffee shop is cozy.
We didn’t have a beauty shop as I grew up.
Tom often wears a knit ski cap in the winter.
Samuel can ski as well as his brother.
Patch’s eyes made a slow assessment of me, sharpening to vivid black.
How slow they speak!
A lot of snow falls on these mountains in winter.
Upon whose bosom snow has lain.
We need to find someone to solve these problems.
We need to solve regional problems.
Let me spell it out for you.
How do you spell your name?
Work is a prayer, and I start off every morning dedicating it to our Creator.
Classes start tomorrow.
She finally had to step down.
I’ve already done step one.
Jim couldn’t stop yawning.
If you don’t stop your aggressive attitude, I’ll leave.
There’s a degree of stress in every job.
Too much stress can lead to physical disease.
I must study tomorrow.
He study hard for this exam or he fail.
The fashionable substitute for Belief.
Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.
I highly suggest marriage to all my friends who are dating.
I suggest a different approach.