+100 Adverbs of Place List and Examples Sentences, Adverbs of Place in a Sentence

+100 Adverbs of Place List and Examples Sentences, Adverbs of Place in a Sentence


Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness it teaches industry and thrift above all it teaches entire trust.

She is certainly above forty.

The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.



In the Peace Corps, the volunteer must be a fully developed, mature person. He must not join to run abroad or escape problems.

Many African leaders refuse to send their troops on peace keeping missions abroad because they probably need their armies to intimidate their own populations.

Rex will be bringing the Christmas gift from his abroad trip.

Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.

Sorry, I’m going to miss the reunion. I went abroad yesterday via an urgent call.



I do, I’m afraid, understand books far more readily than I understand people. Books are so easy to get along with.

They walk along the road.

When one consorts with assassins, one must expect to dance along the edge of a knife once or twice.

We are too late to be friends with you, I could not guess that we would get along so well.

I am bringing George along with me.



Hey, you might be able to take away my magical powers, but the power of sarcasm was still at my disposal.

You should stay away from crowds for at least a month.

I think permitting the game to become too physical takes away a little bit of the beauty.

My mom passed away a day before high school started, and her dream was for me to be a full rock and roll guy, and play drums in a band.

Is it legal to take away someone’s rights to freedom?



I always had a standard of, back when I was doing the country music I always told people I would never record a song that I wouldn’t sit down and sing in front of my mom and dad.

I think exercise tests us in so many ways, our skills, our hearts, our ability to bounce back after setbacks. This is the inner beauty of sports and competition, and it can serve us all well as adult athletes.

Stand back when you let off fireworks.

High Romanticism shows you nature in all its harsh and lovely metamorphoses. Flood, fire and quake fling us back to the primal struggle for survival and reveal our gross dependency on mammoth, still mysterious forces.

My mom would give me a piece to play, but I wouldn’t do any theory because when it came time to do it I would sneak back upstairs and watch TV. So, I had these kind of nonchalant lessons for years, then it just started soaking in.



The teacher lagged behind the curriculum in subjects.

Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.

There’s an elegant garden behind the palace.

It used to happen in villages and towns in China that they would have – I guess you’d call them beauty contests – where all of the women of a particular village or town would be seated behind these screens or curtains with only their feet showing.

Imperialism leaves behind germs of rot which we must clinically detect and remove from our land but from our minds as well.



They live in the apartment below yours.

The sun is sinking below the horizon.

I have been overcome by the beauty and richness of our life together, those early mornings setting out, those evenings gleaming with rivers and lakes below us, still holding the last light.

Your grade is below average.

Alex is below contempt.



I could wake up six in the morning, go downstairs and record. I learned how to use ProTools and everything. Whenever I felt it, I could record.

The girl came downstairs with a letter in her hand.

In the last year my wife has noticed me struggling to get downstairs on a Sunday morning. I’ve two young children and football has been so good to me over the years I don’t want to spoil it.

I got a family house for everybody to live in – my mom, my sisters and I. And I made sure that it has a separate apartment downstairs for myself. Family is more important than anything. We don’t come from any money. So once I get them settled in, in a nice house, then I’ll branch out and see if I can get something else.

There would be nights when I would wake up and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I would go downstairs and write. The staff had a pool going on how many pages of typing I would bring in here in the morning.



A geostationary satellite travels from west to east over the equator.



It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

I hope there is someone happy somewhere far away.

Life is short and if you’re looking for extension, you had best do well. ‘Cause there’s good deeds and then there’s good intentions. They are as far apart as Heaven and Hell.

As far as I’m concerned, we’re bad situation.

A sense of humor…is superior to any religion so far devised.



I’m just sitting here relaxing.

I think, they can’t be happy here any longer.

Politics gets me out of bed in the morning It’s what really interests me. I’m a competitor, but I also feel like I’m contributing, whether it’s working on health-care policy in the White House or out here in Chicago.

They had better be here before we start dinner.

When I was 5, some financial things happened, and I moved seven times in a year. We moved from apartment to apartment, sometimes living with friends. My mom would always say, ‘Don’t get comfortable, because we may not be here long.’



It was an inside job.

I went inside one of these new buildings. It was like a laboratory, maybe, or a museum.

Frank carefully peered inside the box.

I hope that through my work, artists will take some chances, break some rules, and make art that comes from inside of them. I would like to be remembered as a kind person, a great Mom, and a bit unruly – in a good way!

Don’t hug the inside of the curve.


next door

Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.

My mom started smoking when she was 11. She went to the hill next door to try her first cigarette. She set the entire hill on fire, but it didn’t deter her.

I was much distressed by next door people who had twin babies and played the violin but one of the twins died, and the other has eaten the fiddle, so all is peace.

While they waiting for legislation to pass, we next door to the killer.



For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

He held off on announcing his decision.

When women hold off from marrying men, we call it independence. When men hold off from marrying women, we call it fear of commitment.

Ask me if I sparkle and I’ll kill you where you stand,” Bones cut him off with utmost seriousness.

You got off easy.



The cowboy quickly jumped out the window.

We must reach out our hand in friendship and dignity both to those who would befriend us and those who would be our enemy.

I was walking in the woods to scope out our territory so I could be like Dad and then it was like… whoa.

Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.”

I think there’s a time to work, and everyone has to kind of adjust. And then there’s a time to relax, and be the mom or take the kids on vacation when you need to wind down. So it’s a matter of planning, and being able to map out your year or your week or let’s start with the day. It is just being multi-tasking and being available.



Now, if you’re Al Gore, you can afford $10 a pop for squiggly-pig-tailed fluorescent light bulbs. But if you’re mainstream America, two or three kids, mom and dad working outside the home, that’s not a very good deal.

While I was in my room, the sound of gunfire from outside scared me.

Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within.

They live in the huge house outside the city.

I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it.



In fact, my mom always told me because I was the daughter of an Army officer born overseas in Paris, France, that under the Constitution she believed that I could never run for president.



It is not the Government, the members of Parliament to whom the ultimate decision belongs, it is up to you to go forward sure of your sacred right of free opinion, sure of your patriotism.

My upper right wisdom tooth hurts.

Men and women of every faith and good people with none at all sincerely strive to do right and lead a purpose-driven life.

At my core, what I think we need to do is to get the basics right again. We need to rebuild our family structure, stay away from redefining marriage, and stand by marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

There was a point – when I was a kid – where I said I wanted to be like Luke Skywalker, with blond hair and blue eyes. My mom right there told me to never be ashamed of who I am.



It was unrealistic to expect to be constantly in the happiest place. In real life, you’re lucky just to be always somewhere nearby.

I stop somewhere waiting for you.

Because I’ve been there before, I’d rather go somewhere else.

Failing to fetch me at first, keep encouraged. Missing me one place, search another. I stop somewhere waiting for you.

I don’t mind traveling that much when I can go somewhere and stay there for a while, but touring is different. You rarely see anything. You get there early in the morning and you’re resting all day, and you go in and do a sound check, and you do the show, and then bam you’re gone.



Ice skating is very difficult. It takes a lot of discipline and a lot of hard work. It’s fun, but you are there on the ice every morning freezing and trying to do these moves and these tricks.

Where there is love, there is life.

… there is no shame in not knowing. The problem arises when irrational thought and attendant behavior fill the vacuum left by ignorance.

How many candles are there in the your room?

I’d have a longer attention span if there weren’t so many shiny things.



Steve crawled under barbed wire.

Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.

Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than star…

It’s warm under the blanket.

A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.



He likes to explore underground caves.



You realize that our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past.

I am up at 3:30, reading the op-ed pages and getting ready to be on the air by 6 A.M. on the set of ‘Morning Joe,’ and after three hours of TV and two hours on the radio, it is only 12 noon.

In West Virginia, the most vulnerable people we have are people who get up every morning and go to work.

We ended up not getting there on time.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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