Sentences with Prefix, Sentences about Prefix

Sentences with Prefix, Sentences about Prefix

1.Alice hasn’t complained of any discomfort.

2.He became a superstar overnight.

3.My boss told me to rewrite the report.

4.We reached Paris at midnight.

5.Germany became first team to score 7 goals in a World Cup semifinal.

6.They now believe this drug is unsafe for animals.

7.People often express our emotions nonverbally.

8.The server is overloaded.

9.I feel a lot of complicated feelings like nonexists, and it is impossible for me to analyze my psychology.

10.I searched for minicomputer to make my work more comfortable.

11.I took the plane to the autopilot system, so I reduced the probability of any error to zero.

12.Retrospective perspective has an important place in the psychology literature.

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