Sentences with Pilot, Sentences about Pilot

Sentences with Pilot, Sentences about Pilot

1. Her son is a jet pilot.

2. The pilot flew the airplane.

3. He wanted to be a pilot as a kid.

4. A pilot guides the ship toward the port.

5. The pilot lost control and the plane went into a dive.

6. I took the plane to the autopilot system, so I reduced the probability of any error to zero.

7. First-time setup of the autopilot includes downloading and installing a Ground Control Station.

8. Winter reached over and pulled the pilot’s harness over Scarlet’s head. “Safety first, Scarlet-friend. We are fragile things.

9. Very often when I go in to meet for movies or pilots, I’m put on videotape. I hate the notion that that tape is going to sit on a shelf and never get better.

10. The pilot looked at his cues of attitude and speed and orientation and so on and responded as he would from the same cues in an airplane, but there was no way it flew the same. The simulators had showed us that.

11. A lot of people think Formula One isn’t a sport because everyone drives a car when they go to work in the morning. But we’re pulling up to six G on a corner or during breaking, which is almost like being a fighter pilot. So we have to do a lot of work on our neck muscles.

12. When I read the pilot ‘for Married with Children’, it just reminded me of my Uncle Joe… just a self-deprecating kind of guy. He’d come home from work, and the wife would maybe say ‘I ran over the dog this morning in the driveway’. And he would say ‘Fine, what’s for dinner?

13. As a physician and as a pilot, I think it lets me be a pretty good translator having one foot in the medical world and one foot in the flying world. Sometimes when the medical guys come in and speak medical stuff to the pilots, the pilots really don’t know what they’re saying.

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