Sentences with Watch, Past and Past Participle Form Of Watch V1 V2 V3

Sentences with Watch, Past and Past Participle Form Of Watch V1 V2 V3


BasePastPast Participle 


Sentences with Watch

1.”We’ll watch TV together later,” she said.

2.She couldn’t watch the football match because of excitement.

3.I was watching football match on TV when he called.

4.She watched him eat.

5.I looked at my watch.

6.Alex is being watched.

7.You were watching television last night.

8.The old husband and wife watched them with astonishment.

9.Daniel had been watching TV for hours before he slept.

10.I like to watch plants grow. It is interesting!

11.In this episode, children watched the social behavior of a tribe of baboons.

12.I’ve watched many documentaries.

13.My watch gains thirty seconds a month.

14.They watched Steve carefully.

15.Most people like watching TV.

16.You’d better watch what you say.

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