Sentences with Produce, Past and Past Participle Form Of Produce V1 V2 V3
Base | Past | Past Participle |
produce | produced | produced |
Sentences with Produce
1.Do anything, but let it produce joy.
2.Science produced the atomic bomb.
3.The factory produces cotton goods.
4.Artificial light is produced by electricity.
5.The play was produced by him.
6.These fields produce fine crops.
7.They absorbed the sunlight and produced energy through photosynthesis.
8.Biomass energy is based on biomass raw materials, plants processed and burned to produce electricity.
9.Do anything, but let it produce joy. Do anything, but let it yield ecstasy.
10.Nothing can be produced out of nothing.
11.Thus, an ethical problem still exists, and cigarette producers should not be allowed in target global markets.
12.Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.
13.This cream may produce a stinging sensation.
14.It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on earth has ever produced the expression, ‘As pretty as an airport.
15.To me the purpose of art is to produce something alive…but with a separate, and of course one hopes, with an everlasting life of its own.
16.History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.