Shrewd in a Sentence, Sentences of Shrewd in English
1.The sword-seller’s eyes were shrewd.
2.I thought if only I had a keen, shapely bone structure to my face or could discuss politics shrewdly or was a famous writer Constantin might find me interesting enough to sleep with.
3.Our age is essentially one of understanding and reflection, without passion, momentarily bursting into enthusiasm and shrewdly relapsing into repose.
4.Everything about me is pretty and a lot of it is shrewd. So I had a pretty shrewd idea what was going on.
5.Even in her trances, even while possessed, my sister was very shrewd about her prospects.
6.No man should tell a lie unless he is shrewd enough to recognize the time for renouncing it, if and when it comes, and knows how to renounce it gracefully.