Go in a Sentence, Sentences of Go in English

Go in a Sentence, Sentences of Go in English

1.She went out last night when it was raining.

2.Do you know? When did they go?

3.Are we going to lose?

4.Go ahead and ask Tom.

5.He went to school yesterday.

6.My father went to the mechanic by car.

7.My mom will go on vacation with her friends tomorrow.

8.The teacher went to the students.

9.The players will go to London by plane tomorrow.

10.I want to go to school.

11.You are going to be amazing!

12.How about going to the circus tonight?

13.I’m going to hit the sack.

14.I am going to cook tonight.

15.My friends are going to cook soup.

16.Be careful! The bee is going to bite you.

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