Collaboration in a Sentence, Sentences of Collaboration in English
1.Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
2.I would like to thank you for your collaboration.
3.Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.
4.Doing nothing is as good as collaborating.
5.A book is a collaboration between the one who reads and what is read and, at its best, that coming together is a love story like any other.
6.Collaboration, the start of revolution.
7.I’ve never trusted collaborations, because most people in this world are not closers.
8.The beauty of collaboration between older and younger generations is that we combine strength with wisdom—a surefire way to accomplish more for the glory of God.
9.Collaboration is vital to sustain what we call profound or really deep change, because without it, organizations are just overwhelmed by the forces of the status quo.