Sentences with Violent, Sentences about Violent in English
1. I couldn’t stay, for the area was violent.
2. I am not violent. I am not malicious. I am a result.
3. They have to be prepared to cope with violent storms.
4. I guess you could say I’ve been in my share of violent movies.
5. Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.
6. I believe that truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction.
7. Violent men have not been known in history to die to a man. They die up to a point.
8. A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
9. One is called to live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems impossible.
10. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
11. If anything I consider myself non-violent, I’m from the hippy era, peace, love, groovy.
12. Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity.
13. I don’t have much talent in playing football, but on the other hand, I hit the ball with very hard and various violent turns.
14. The human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants and he must have a very faint perception of its beauty and dignity who does not know this.
15. It’s no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn’t even speak to each other if they met at a party.