Sentences with Unimportant, Sentences about Unimportant
1. That’s unimportant.
2. What’s happened is unimportant.
3. I wouldn’t say it was unimportant.
4. Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.
5. The human race is unimportant. It is the self that must not be betrayed.
6. She wanted to argue about very small differences and unimportant details.
7. You never do find out what makes you tick, and after a while it’s unimportant.
8. I’m sorry for my inability to let unimportant things go, for my inability to hold on to the important things.
9. If I write what I feel, it’s to reduce the fever of feeling. What I confess is unimportant, because everything is unimportant.
10. Movies are not about the weekend that they’re released, and in the grand scheme of things, that’s probably the most unimportant time of a film’s life.
1. That’s not important.
2. Reading books is important.
3. I have important work to do.
4. Peace is important for Israel.
5. Alex played an important part.
6. Lung is a very important organ.
7. We have a very important meeting.
8. Since it’s important, I’ll do it.
9. Why is freedom so important to us?
10. Since it’s important, I will do it.
11. Officials shared some important news.
12. Don’t forget, education is important.
13. Beauty is less important than quality.
14. Having good oral hygiene is important.
15. It is important that we make an effort.
16. It’s important to follow a strict diet.
17. Attitudes are more important than facts.
18. It’s very important to respect the rules.
19. Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant.
20. Imagination is more important than knowledge.
21. You are the most important person in my life.
22. Some minerals are important for human health.
23. It is not important that this fact is untrue.
24. My father says dealing is an important virtue.
25. To be strong is not as important as compassion.
26. Experience is one of the most important values.
27. My father says; First impressions are important.
28. Very important election victory will be won today.
29. 90.Wish me luck, baby. This exam is too important.
30. Alex raised a very important question: who are you?
31. Officials shared some important and significant news.
32. The very important thing you should have is patience.
33. It is important for everything to be ready by Tuesday.
34. This new method could be an important step in success.
35. The quality of life is more important than life itself.
36. Being clean is very important especially for our health.
37. For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.
38. Being clean is very important specifically for our health.
39. It is really important that children read books every day.
40. It is very important to brush your teeth three times a day.
41. What is most important in life differs from person to person.
42. Water, forests, and minerals are important natural resources.
43. What’s most important in a friendship? Tolerance and loyalty.
44. Please liste to me, I think it’s important for us to stay calm.
45. Water is the most important element for human life after oxygen.
46. Marriage is important to me and I love the idea of being married.
47. Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself.
48. The education of my children is more important than anything else.
49. Your thoughts on environmental pollution are very important to us.
50. What happens is not as important as how you react to what happens.
51. We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive.
52. My uncle is a very famous person and broadcasts on an important radio.
53. Inner beauty should be the most important part of improving one’s self.
54. It is not so important to know everything as to appreciate what we learn.
55. The most important point is to accept yourself and stand on your two feet.
56. You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back.
57. Fighting for your convictions is important. But finding peace is paramount.
58. He didn’t want to go to school today, however he had a very important exam.
59. Country music is important to me, and I love it, but it’s not my whole life.
60. The attitude is very important. Because, your behavior radiates how you feel.
61. 18.He didn’t want to go to school today, however he had a very important exam.