Sentences with Toy, Sentences about Toy

Sentences with Toy, Sentences about Toy

1. Jessica got me a tiny toy.

2. My mother got me a tiny toy.

3. The children like play toys.

4. Get your toys in the bathroom.

5. I was sad when I lost my toys.

6. Frank hid his toys under the bed.

7. I would make my mom buy me the toy doctor kit.

8. Steve deprived my little sister of all her toys.

9. You should clear away all your toys before bedtime.

10. The cat has been searching for the toy for 2 hours.

11. Although he had many toys, his greed made him want more.

12. There are lots of things in that shop, for example, games, toys, and flowers.

13. 16.If my daughter had seen this toys, she probably would have wanted me to buy them.

14. Children delighted in his Fröbel Gifts, simple educational toys such as blocks, sewing kits, clay, and weaving materials.

15. I was given baby doll toys myself, and they proved a stark reminder that my life was expected to revolve around childbearing – just as my mom’s had before me, and her mom’s had before her.

16. I was lucky enough to grow up in a home where I woke up Christmas morning and had toys. I know that’s not the case with all people and I don’t think kids should go without experiencing that sort of joy.

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