Sentences with Technologically, Sentences about Technologically
1. The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book.
2. Communications tools don’t get socially interesting until they get technologically boring.
3. People are craving this great progress in electronics, going after computers, the Internet, etc. It’s a giant progress technologically. But they must have a balance of soul, a balance for human beauty. That means art has an important role.
4. Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.
5. In the industrialization and competitiveness of developing countries technological talent accumulation and learning cannot be ignored.
1. Ethics change with technology.
2. So much technology, so little talent.
3. Technology has given us immense power.
4. Modern technology gives us many things.
5. Technology has to be invented or adopted.
6. Technology is teaching us to be human again.
7. The human spirit must prevail over technology.
8. Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories.
9. Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.
10. Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.
11. All of our technology is completely unnecessary to a happy life.
12. The great myth of our times is that technology is communication.
13. Technology is a word that describes something that doesn’t work yet.
14. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
15. 7 out of 10 richest people in the world are doing technology business.
16. Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.
17. All this modern technology just makes people try to do everything at once.
18. Technology presumes there’s just one right way to do things and there never is.
19. We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.
20. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.
21. Technology… the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it.
22. This is why I loved technology: if you used it right, it could give you power and privacy.
23. Technology made large populations possible; large populations now make technology indispensable.
24. Information technology is the study, design, or management of computer-based information systems.
25. Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response.
26. Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road.
27. As a physician, I know many doctors want to utilize new technology, but they find the cost prohibitive.
28. The ultimate promise of technology is to make us master of a world that we command by the push of a button.
29. Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.
30. The basis of our partnership strategy and our partnership approach: We build the social technology. They provide the music.
31. I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex.
32. Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe.
33. We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world – we need to make them accessible to every American.
34. The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction.
35. The technology used to detect if vehicles are carrying radioactive material is so sensitive it can tell if a person recently received radiation as part of a medical procedure.
36. You can be good at technology and like fashion and art. You can be good at technology and be a jock. You can be good at technology and be a mom. You can do it your way, on your terms.
37. Quantum computation is… a distinctively new way of harnessing nature… It will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel universes.
38. So as I look at transitioning to the communication platforms of the future, I see that the beauty of Internet protocols is you get the separation of the layers between service and technology.
39. It worries me about our unwillingness to really address reforms and modernization in Medicare. This thing was designed 37 years ago. It has not evolved to keep pace with current medical technology.
40. Developments in medical technology have long been confined to procedural or pharmaceutical advances, while neglecting a most basic and essential component of medicine: patient information management.
41. We can do better in higher education. And it is more than just technology. It’s also an attitude on the part of faculty. We need to think through how we can produce a better quality product at less cost.
42. We cannot sacrifice innocent human life now for vague and exaggerated promises of medical treatments thirty of forty years from now. There are ways to pursue this technology and respect life at the same time.
43. The growth of technology is such that it is not possible today for a nuclear physicist to switch into medical physics without training. The field is now much more technical. More training is needed to do the job.
44. If we can reduce the cost and improve the quality of medical technology through advances in nanotechnology, we can more widely address the medical conditions that are prevalent and reduce the level of human suffering.
45. Normally, I love to go to the movies and when I see a character portrayed by different actors at different ages, it kind of pops a little bit for me. It brings me out of the movie experience. Now we have the technology to cure that.
46. And I have lived since – as you have – in a period of cold war, during which we have ensured by our achievements in the science and technology of destruction that a third act in this tragedy of war will result in the peace of extinction.
47. The creative destruction that social media is currently unleashing will change more than technology or the leader board of the Fortune 100. It is driving a qualitative shift in the nature of relationships between brands and their customers.
48. America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world.
49. Being nerdy just means being passionate about something, including everyone – the coolest people on Earth are passionate and therefore nerdy about something whatever it is, whether it’s sports, or gaming, or technology, or fashion, or beauty, or food, or whatever.