Sentences with Read, 16 Sentences about Read in English
1.My father read the sports section first.
2.Mary read the Spanish translation.
3.My son read the story four times over.
4.I haven’t read “War and Peace” either.
5.I hope Samuel doesn’t read this.
6.I read up on the history of the World War II.
7.Please read back the text of the message.
8.I asked her to read over my essay.
9.Always read through your work when you’ve finished.
10.Shall I read them out?
11.She reads her student’s essay for spelling
12.Could you read off the last four digits of the credit card again.
13.She loves to read books every day.
14.I have never read that book.
15.My mother read Blindness last year.
16.Didn’t you read the reports?