Sentences with Prior, Sentences about Prior in English
1. I have a prior engagement.
2. It happened prior to my arrival.
3. This task is prior to all others.
4. Prior to the meeting, they had dinner.
5. Anderson has no prior criminal record.
6. Prior to your arrival, Alex left for Madrid.
7. You may not set up a roadside stall without prior notice.
8. In passive sentences, the actual person is not a priority.
9. Talon glanced wistfully at his drink as he debated what should take priority.
10. We do not have a money problem in America. We have a values and priorities problem.
11. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.
12. Ensuring Americans have access to adequate medical care should be a priority for all of us.
13. Prior to penicillin and medical research, death was an everyday occurrence. It was intimate.
14. I define nothing. Not beauty, not patriotism. I take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.
15. I have a fantastic wife, and not only in terms of external beauty. Her priority and mine is our children. That is our choice.
16. It’s the best thing ever – I love being a mom. This is my only child. My career was a priority earlier in my life, but now my son is definitely the priority.
17. It’s very trying on a marriage when you’re doing a one hour show, week after week after week. You don’t have enough time for people that maybe you should have top priority.
18. I was sent to a nice Church of England girls’ school and at that time, after university, a woman was expected to become a teacher, a nurse or a missionary – prior to marriage.
19. My point was that removing Saddam should not have been our highest priority. Fighting terrorism should have been our number one concern, followed by the Palestinian peace process.
20. I am hoping this is my year to have children. I understand that I am possibly more European in my views of marriage. I am not going to say I’m not going to get married, but it’s not my priority.