Sentences with Performance, Sentences about Performance in English

Sentences with Performance, Sentences about Performance in English

1. This will improve the performance.

2. Every performance is different. That’s the beauty of it.

3. My little brother is excited about his final performance.

4. The guests have been watching the performance for 2 hours.

5. When performance exceeds ambition, the overlap is called success.

6. Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance?

7. I remember watching the Grammys and looking at the performances and crying to my mom, saying how much I wanted to be there.

8. The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them.

9. The plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don’t need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone.

10. The jokes are great but what really matters for a comedian is his performance, his whole attitude, and the laughs that he gets between the jokes rather than on top of the jokes.

11. Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.

12. Yesterday morning I amused myself with an exercise of a talent I once possessed, but have so neglected that my performance might almost be called an experiment. I cut out a dress for one of the women.

13. When you hire that first person, then you’re a boss. You’ve got performance reviews. You’ve got complaints about not making enough money. You’ve got people who are just going to sell your story to the tabloids.

14. Writing and singing does give me some kind of release from the demons of my past, it is a therapy of sorts, but to be honest, my marriage played a more important role in the acceptance of myself than performance has ever done.

15. Editing yourself is like an irksome coin toss. You’ve got to strip yourself of super ego and operate from the id. Maybe I’ve got my Freud mixed up. It’s just hard to trade a beauty shot for the performance with truth and a brightly lit zit.

16. I turned on VH1 this morning just to get a little warm-up before I came over here, and I think it’s just terrific. There’s so much great stuff: diverse and wonderful music, good performances, great looking girls, great videos, the whole thing.

17. The game in beauty is changing so much, if your product isn’t high tech or can’t make a unique performance claim – plump your lips, reduce your lines, look glossy, and stay on for 24 hours – you can’t go to market today. I’m not just talking about a $20 lipstick, but a $5 lipstick!

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