Sentences with Parts of speech, Sentences about Parts of speech in English

Sentences with Parts of speech, Sentences about Parts of speech in English


or Job

NounThing or personPencil, cat, work, notebookThis is my cat.

They live in Madrid.

VerbAction or stateGet, come, cut, open, likeI like apple.

Come in please.

AdverbDescribe a verb, adjective or adverbSilently, badly, reallyMy cat eats quickly.
AdjectiveDescribes a nounSmall, big, good, well, blueWe like big cake.

I have three pencils.

PronounReplaces a nounI, you, he, she, itHe is very clever.
PrepositionLinks a noun to another wordAt, in, of, on, after, underShe was hiding under the table.
ConjunctionJoins clauses or sentencesBut, and while, whenI am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.
InterjectionShort exclamationOh!, hi!, ouch!, Wow!Wow! What a beautiful car!

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