Sentences with Observation, Sentences about Observation in English

Sentences with Observation, Sentences about Observation in English

1. Hope clouds observation.

2. Jessica is under observation.

3. All perceiving is also thinking, all reasoning is also intuition, all observation is also invention.

4. Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.

5. There is no better proof of a man’s being truly good than his desiring to be constantly under the observation of good men.

6. All ideas come about through some sort of observation. It sparks an attitude some object or emotion causes a reaction in the other person.

7. The cafe windows wrapped all the way around the observation floor, which gave us a beautiful panoramic view of the skeleton army that had come to kill us.

8. There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.

9. There is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic: a man’s own observation what he finds good of and what he finds hurt of is the best physic to preserve health.

10. No amount of observations of white swans can allow the inference that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan is sufficient to refute that conclusion.

11. Conflict is the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. It instigates to invention. It shocks us out of sheeplike passivity, and sets us at noting and contriving.

12. It’s a great mistake, I think, to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense, when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.

13. It’s funny how, in this journey of life, even though we may begin at different times and places, our paths cross with others so that we may share our love, compassion, observations, and hope.

14. Our observation of nature must be diligent, our reflection profound, and our experiments exact. We rarely see these three means combined and for this reason, creative geniuses are not common.

15. No matter what a woman’s appearance may be, it will be used to undermine what she is saying and taken to individualize – as her personal problem – observations she makes about the beauty myth in society.

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