Sentences with Hospital, Sentences about Hospital in English

Sentences with Hospital, Sentences about Hospital in English

1. The hospital is near here.

2. I want to go to the hospital.

3. Hospitals are places to be quiet.

4. She will leave the hospital soon.

5. I visited my aunt at the hospital.

6. Who works at Liverpool City Hospital?

7. He has to be treated at the hospital.

8. We’re very grateful for your hospitality.

9. There was a large crowd in front of the hospital.

10. She was born and later they went to the hospital.

11. Will they be waiting me when I arrive to the hospital?

12. In the hospital, the patients were lying on their beds.

13. A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running.

14. You should go to the hospital tomorrow or you will be more sick.

15. Can you please be quiet? This is the hospital and there are people trying to recover.

16. There are some stereotypes that are used in daily life, at work, at school, in the hospital and many more.

17. The current medical records system is this: Room after room after room in a hospital filled with paper files.

18. Long gone are the days when hospital stays and surgeries made up the bulk of seniors’ annual medical expenses.

19. Even top caliber hospitals cannot escape medical mistakes that sometimes result in irreparable damage to patients.

20. We went to the hospital today, I said that my eyes were damaged, however, I also told the doctor that my stomach hurts.

21. We have the greatest hospitals, doctors, and medical technology in the world – we need to make them accessible to every American.

22. Getting out of the hospital is a lot like resigning from a book club. You’re not out of it until the computer says you’re out of it.

23. I’d come out of the army after five years as a medic. I was a medical administrator and we ran hospitals, and I was a Captain in the army at the end, in 1945.

24. Procedures outside the stadiums and in the parking areas still need to be optimized, for example so that emergency medical services can leave the grounds on their way to the hospital faster.

25. I would like to promote the concept of a partnership of insurance companies, physicians and hospitals in deploying a basic framework for an electronic medical records system that is affordable.

26. The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are forced to seek medication on the black market.

27. During a trip to Iraq last fall, I visited our theater hospital at Balad Air Force Base and witnessed these skilled medical professionals in action and met the brave soldiers whose lives they saved.

28. I just had that conversation this morning with my doctor. I just got back from the hospital a half-hour ago, and nothing will make me happier than to replicate the DNA of my amazing husband. I’m optimistic.

29. Consider this: I can go to Antarctica and get cash from an ATM without a glitch, but should I fall ill during my travels, a hospital there could not access my medical records or know what medications I am on.

30. We need to bridge the gap between the medical libraries and the hospital rooms take the information out there already, add to it, focus it, harness it – and bring it to the patient who was just diagnosed today.

31. You will also allow me to thank the Academy for inviting me to lecture in Stockholm, for its hospitality, and for the opportunity afforded me for admiring the charm of your people and the beauty of your country.

32. They wrapped her up like a baby burrito to show to Mom. Here were a mother and her daughter and I love them both so much. I couldn’t wait for Courtney to come to the hospital so I could have all my women together.

33. It is my sincere hope that hospitals across Indiana, and America, continue to strive for excellence when it comes to providing medical care. This proposed rule will be harmful to communities who wish to upgrade their medical facilities.

34. America has the best doctors, the best nurses, the best hospitals, the best medical technology, the best medical breakthrough medicines in the world. There is absolutely no reason we should not have in this country the best health care in the world.

35. Whether it’s possible or not, being a doctor, you take an oath. To care for your patient, not to kill them. You take an oath to do things that are proper in the medical world. Not to administer something outside of a hospital setting that’s not even your area.

36. Today, all patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude’s are treated without regard for the family’s ability to pay. Everything beyond what is covered by insurance is taken care of, and for those without insurance, all of the medical costs are absorbed by the hospital.

37. Citizens must pressure the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the Centers for Disease Control and other relevant governmental agencies to make greening our hospitals and medical centers a top priority so that they themselves don’t create even more illness.

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