Sentences with Exactly, Sentences about Exactly in English

Sentences with Exactly, Sentences about Exactly in English

1. That’s exactly what I mean.

2. What exactly is Sublimation?

3. Explain exactly what the reasons are.

4. Frank described exactly what happened.

5. That is exactly what we want to learn.

6. That’s exactly what I’m seeking to answer.

7. My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours.

8. We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.

9. Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.

10. I may be the only mother in America who knows exactly what their child is up to all the time.

11. The dead are never exactly seen by the living, but many people seem acutely aware of something changed around them.

12. Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.

13. You must train your intuition you must trust the small voice inside you which tells you exactly what to say, what to decide.

14. So I wanted to sing inspirational music, and that’s exactly how I approached it – only the words have been changed to declare my relationship with God.

15. Turkey wants a policy of engagement exactly like President Obama’s new approach. Policy of engagement, less confrontation, less tense attitude, especially in the region.

16. Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero.

17. Beauty is also submitted to the taste of time, so a beautiful woman from the Belle Epoch is not exactly the perfect beauty of today, so beauty is something that changes with time.

18. If I’m on location on some island, we usually get up at four in the morning to set up. By seven thirty, we’re on the beach working until noon, then we rest. It’s not exactly a vacation.

19. The thing I care about is my weight – I’m as fanatical about it as a member of Girls Aloud. I weigh myself every morning. I know exactly what I want to be – 82kg – and I try to stick to it.

20. Growing up, my mom was very strict about how I dressed and how I behaved, and I said to myself that I wasn’t going to be like that. But now I know I’m going to be exactly like my mom. I’m going to be worse!

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