Sentences with Dilemma, 13 Sentences about Dilemma in English
1.He had a sudden dilemma.
2.Alex had a dilemma about whether or not to go to school.
3.I’m having a dilemma about buying a new car.
4.We have a dilemma.
5.That’s the dilemma isn’t it?
6.I understand your dilemma.
7.What’s your dilemma, Alex?
8.She was having a dilemma about going on vacation, but she left.
9.“You see the dilemma?” Ham asked. “I see an idiot,” Breeze mumbled.
10.Who knew being a heartless killing machine would present so many moral dilemmas.
11.The moral dilemma is to make peace with the unacceptable.
12.You see, that is my dilemma.
13.Dilemma of civilized man; body mobilized, but danger obscure.