Sentences with Decided, Sentences about Decided

Sentences with Decided, Sentences about Decided

1. Alex decided to stay.

2. Will we have decided?

3. Samuel has decided to go.

4. It hasn’t been decided yet.

5. I decided to shoot a new video.

6. Frank decided to postpone the meeting.

7. They decided to launch a major attack.

8. The lawyer decided to appeal the case.

9. Steve decided to put off his departure.

10. Steve decided to enter the competition.

11. Frank decided to postpone his departure.

12. The attorney decided to appeal the case.

13. Thus they decided it was absolutely innocent.

14. Have you already decided on your thesis topic?

15. Have you decided on the subject of your thesis?

16. I have not decided to go to the cinema with you.

17. Emily decided to buy a skirt instead of a jacket.

18. I have not decided yet to go to the cinema with you.

19. In spite of he was full, he decided to eating again.

20. She decided to call off her regular press conference.

21. Even though she was very tired, she decided to go out.

22. They decided that it would be better to start at once.

23. The governor decided to provide assistance for the victims.

24. Though the weather was cold, we decided not to wear our jackets.

25. I had a lot of dates, but I decided to stay home and dye my eyebrows.

26. You haven’t decided yet whether you will attend today meeting or not.

27. Even though the weather was cold, we decided not to wear our jackets.

28. 104.Because he loved Jessie so much, he decided to give her another chance.

29. She decided to stay at home so that she could watch the basketball match on TV.

30. I’d maybe done about 12 movies when I decided that this was what I was going to do.

31. I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty.

32. When I was about eight, I decided that the most wonderful thing, next to a human being, was a book.

33. I decided, as I succumbed to sleep, that men should come with manuals, subtitles, and reset buttons.

34. When I was about eight, I decided that the most magnificent thing, next to a human being, was a book.

35. We live in a very hot country and have trouble sleeping at night, so we decided to buy an air conditioner in the bedroom.

36. I decided I ought to pick a project that would not be controversial, that would not really cost the government a lot of money.

37. I’m ridiculous in my oversharing my mom and sister are very open but a little more judicious than me… and my father is a decidedly private person.

38. I unfortunately had a lot of medical procedures throughout my life, so I decided to paint all of my surgeries as a way to heal and as a way to grow.

39. I went to Duke University in the medical track. And then I decided I wanted to do something more creative, so I switched to biochemistry at Nebraska.

40. I first wanted to be a psychiatrist. I decided against that in medical school when I discovered that psychiatrists didn’t, in reality, do what they did on TV.

41. In my own life, I decided to leave meat off my plate in medical school, but was a bit slow to realise that dairy products and eggs are not health foods either.

42. Close elections tend to break toward the challenger because undecided voters – having held out so long against the incumbent – are by nature looking for change.

43. I look back to when I got divorced in the late 1970s. When that happened, I was so broken up. After that, I decided to seek God for my life and my next marriage.

44. I decided to pursue music, so I dropped out of school and I told my parents I didn’t want any money from them. I got three jobs and I just hit the ground running.

45. My mother, brave woman, lost her whole family when she decided to marry a black man in the ’60s. When the marriage fell apart, she had to come back to her family.

46. I read Freud’s Introductory Lectures in Psychoanalysis in basically one sitting. I decided to enroll in medical school. It was almost like a conversion experience.

47. When David Arquette and I got engaged we started therapy together. I’d heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest, so we decided to work through all that stuff early.

48. I was actually the one who decided to move to LA. Mom and I were driving on Sunset Boulevard during one of our trips back to see her family, and I said, ‘Can we just stay?’ So we did.

49. I think it’s too bad that everybody’s decided to turn on drugs, I don’t think drugs are the problem. Crime is the problem. Cops are the problem. Money’s the problem. But drugs are just drugs.

50. The way that same-sex marriage should reach the federal level is that it absolutely should be decided by the Supreme Court as quickly as possible. It’s a 14th Amendment issue. There’s no argument about it.

51. As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation — either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.

52. I rejoice to concur with the common reader; for by the common sense of readers, uncorrupted by literary prejudices, after all the refinements of subtilty and the dogmatism of learning, must be finally decided all claim to poetical honours.

53. The president strongly believes that marriage in this country ought to be between a man and a woman. He also believes it is something that ought to be decided by the people. He doesn’t believe that judges ought to impose their will on the people.

54. The Navy’s paid for you to go through school, and then they need doctors to go out and take care of people who are in various different parts of the world. I decided to pay back my time first as an undersea medical officer. I was stationed in Scotland.

55. I decided he’d changed so much that a whole new book was required and that book actually I can say so was the first to say that the marriage was in trouble and the Prince didn’t like at all and my book was being serialized in the Sunday Times over five weeks.

56. Tramping is too easy with all this money. My days were more exciting when I was penniless and had to forage around for my next meal… I’ve decided that I’m going to live this life for some time to come. The freedom and simple beauty of it is just too good to pass up.

57. I would like it to be known that I have decided not to marry Group Capt. Peter Townsend. Mindful of the church’s teaching that Christian marriage is indissoluble, and conscious of my duty to the Commonwealth, I have resolved to put these considerations before any others.

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