Sentences with Constitutes, Sentences about Constitutes
1. Numbers constitute the only universal language.
2. A multitude of small delights constitute happiness.
3. Not what we have but what we enjoy constitutes our abundance.
4. What would be ugly in a garden constitutes beauty in a mountain.
5. I hate most of what constitutes rock music, which is basically middle-aged crap.
6. It is the addition of strangeness to beauty that constitutes the romantic character in art.
7. Certainly it constitutes bad news when the people who agree with you are buggier than batshit.
8. A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.
9. People are so constituted that everybody would rather undertake what they see others do, whether they have an aptitude for it or not.
10. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
11. There is no such thing as inner peace. There is only nervousness or death. Any attempt to prove otherwise constitutes unacceptable behavior.
12. One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team.
13. Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
14. I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.
15. If marriage can be redefined so that it no longer means a man and a woman but two men or two women, why stop there? Why not allow three men or a woman and two men to constitute a marriage?
16. What constitutes a real, live human being is more of a mystery than ever these days, and men each one of whom is a valuable, unique experiment on the part of nature are shot down wholesale.
17. I believe wholeheartedly in marriage. I don’t exclusively mean a marriage with a legal contract, but any relationship that constitutes a marriage because of the quality of their relationship.
18. Change is certain. Peace is followed by disturbances departure of evil men by their return. Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.
19. One might think that the money value of an invention constitutes its reward to the man who loves his work. But… I continue to find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success.
20. Books constitute capital. A library book lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of years. It is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, it is their only capital.