Sentences with Consequences, Sentences about Consequences in English
1. Steve is prepared to accept the consequences.
2. Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.
3. Some mistakes… Just have greater consequences than others.
4. Individual insanity is immune to the consequences of collective insanity.
5. How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.
6. If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions.
7. Wisdom is a kind of knowledge. It is knowledge of the nature, career, and consequences of human values.
8. The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed. (J.K. Rowling)
9. If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we can’t know better until knowing better is useless.
10. I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.
11. I mean, if a person acts irresponsibly in his own life, he will pay the consequences. And it’s not so much divine retribution as it’s built into the law of nature.
12. If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
13. We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward.
14. Eating disorders can have serious medical and psychological consequences which, left unchecked, can kill. Parents should address this issue and ask their children to discuss how they feel about themselves.