Sentences with Civil, Sentences about Civil in English
1. You’re violating my civil rights.
2. A civil denial is better than a rude grant.
3. All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers.
4. Peace is the virtue of civilization. War is its crime.
5. All four sides of Anatolia are the cradle of civilization.
6. Dilemma of civilized man; body mobilized, but danger obscure.
7. Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.
8. Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations.
9. Civilized countries generally adopt gold or silver or both as money.
10. Civilization had too many rules for me, so I did my best to rewrite them.
11. We do not consider patriotism desirable if it contradicts civilized behavior.
12. Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all men.
13. Our civilization is flinging itself to pieces. Stand back from the centrifuge.
14. Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt.
15. Anyone can be a barbarian; it requires a terrible effort to remain a civilized man.
16. Civilization is a failure. We need to think what we can do together in love and peace.
17. Marriage is sacred and protected and has nothing to do with violating our civil rights.
18. Patriotism is an indispensable weapon in the defense of civilization against barbarism.
19. The fluffy and cute creatures are in people’s lives from the start of human civilization.
20. If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject.
21. A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them.
22. Nobody minded what you did in bed or what you said about God, a very civilized attitude in 1948.
23. Civil strife is as much a greater evil than a concerted war effort as war itself is worse than peace.
24. This will never be a civilized country until we spend more money for books than we do for chewing gum.
25. Civil marriage, like all civil rights provided by the government, must be provided equally to all Americans.
26. What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?…Was ever anything so civil?
27. Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn’t every war fought between men, between brothers?
28. The era that includes the discovery of the New World and the Americas, provided most facilities to human civilization.
29. Civilized society is perpetually menaced with disintegration through this primary hostility of men towards one another.
30. Men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness to believe, but in proportion to their readiness to doubt.
31. Civil union is less than marriage. Marriage is a sacred and valued institution and ought to be afforded equal protection.
32. When I wake up on a Monday morning and I realise I don’t have to go and work at the civil service, I really think I’ve won.
33. A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.
34. Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoofprint of the horse beside it.
35. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as our prince of peace, of civil rights. We owe him something major that will keep his memory alive.
36. Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
37. I oppose any attempt to grant homosexual unions the same legal privileges that civil government affords to traditional marriage and family life.
38. There is a single thread of attitude, a single direction of flow, that joins our present time to its early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization.
39. The Earth faces environmental problems right now that threaten the imminent destruction of civilization and the end of the planet as a livable world.
40. Books are the carriers of civilization…They are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print.
41. We can revolutionize the attitude of inner city brown and black kids to learning. We need a civil rights movement within the African-American community.
42. Public-opinion polls show that Americans split about evenly on civil unions. But when the words ‘gay marriage’ are presented, they break 3-to-1 against it.
43. The best security for civilization is the dwelling, and upon properly appointed and becoming dwellings depends, more than anything else, the improvement of mankind.
44. On the last morning of Virginia’s bloodiest year since the Civil War, I built a fire and sat facing a window of darkness where at sunrise I knew I would find the sea.
45. I do not believe that defending traditional marriage between one man and one woman excludes anybody or usurps anybody’s civil rights and denies anybody their civil rights.
46. If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships – the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.
47. Civil and political rights are critical, but not often the real problem for the destitute sick. My patients in Haiti can now vote but they can’t get medical care or clean water.
48. The theoretical understanding of the world, which is the aim of philosophy, is not a matter of great practical importance to animals, or to savages, or even to most civilised men.
49. I broke down while at Oxford, was rejected by a record number of medical tribunals during the War, and finally got permission to leave Oxford and do civilian work till the War ended.
50. Thousands of years and many civilizations have defined a marriage as the union between one man and one woman. With few exceptions, those civilizations that did not follow that perished.
51. Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
52. There are 435 members of Congress. There’s one ‘Morning Joe’ show. Hopefully, we can keep hammering the argument that you can disagree with other people and have debates but remain civil.
53. While civilization has been improving our houses, it has not equally improved the men who are to inhabit them. It has created palaces, but it was not so easy to create noblemen and kings.
54. Courtesy is a silver lining around the dark clouds of civilization it is the best part of refinement and in many ways, an art of heroic beauty in the vast gallery of man’s cruelty and baseness.
55. You think that religion is a thing that is there to help you and to see you through life, and then you wake up one morning and find the entire Irish situation, the civil war that’s based on religion.
56. A civilized nation can have no enemies, and one cannot draw a line across a map, a line that doesn’t even exist in nature and say that the ugly enemy lives on the one side, and good friends live on the other.
57. My argument is simple, which is, that for several thousand years in Western civilization, marriage has been the union of one man and one woman. Research is overwhelming that children need mothers and fathers.
58. If I felt, in the event of a royal wedding, inspired to write about people coming together in marriage or civil partnership, I would just be grateful to have an idea for the poem. And if I didn’t, I’d ignore it.
59. I rise today in support of Bill C-38, the Civil Marriage Act. I rise in support of a Canada in which liberties are safeguarded, rights are protected and the people of this land are treated as equals under the law.
60. There is nothing I detest so much as the contortions of these great time-and-lip servers, these affable dispensers of meaningless embraces, these obliging utterers of empty words, who view every one in civilities.
61. He would see civilization in danger of perishing under the oppression of a gigantic paradox: he would see multitudes of people starving in the midst of plenty, and nations preparing for war although pledged to peace.
62. As I have said for many years throughout this land, we’re borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the future of human civilization. Every bit of that has to change.
63. The old interests of aristocracy – the romance of action, the exalted passions of chivalry and war – faded into the background, and their place was taken by the refined and intimate pursuits of peace and civilization.
64. Standing, as I believe the United States stands for humanity and civilization, we should exercise every influence of our great country to put a stop to that war which is now raging in Cuba and give to that island once more peace, liberty, and independence.
65. Religious institutions should have religious freedom on this issue. No church or minister should ever have to conduct a marriage that is inconsistent with their religious beliefs. But I think as a civil institution, this issue’s time has come and we need to move forward.
66. I feel that my father’s greatest legacy was the people he inspired to get involved in public service and their communities, to join the Peace Corps, to go into space. And really that generation transformed this country in civil rights, social justice, the economy and everything.
67. Well, my personal mission statement is that we want marriage equality in all 50 states. We want it not to be a state-by-state issue. We don’t want it to be something the majority is voting on. I don’t think the civil rights of any minority should be in the hands of any majority.