Sentences with Buy, 20 Sentences about Buy in English

Sentences with Buy, 20 Sentences about Buy in English

1.My father wants to buy a new Arab.

2.My mother bought a washing machine yesterday.

3.The teacher bought a new test tube for our class.

4.I’m going to buy a new computer tomorrow.

5.What would Alex buy?

6.My son was going to buy a new book.

7.Buy it for me, please.

8.We can buy a new house next year.

9.I bought a new computer yesterday.

10.I bought a few stamps.

11.I just don’t buy it.

12.My father is going to buy a new car tomorrow.

13.They were buying time.

14.I’ve already bought three of those.

15.Did you buy me these?

16.You bought it from my sister, didn’t you?

17.She bought a chicken.

18.I buy bread every day.

19.Where’s that wallet we bought you?

20.We are buying apple juice.

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