Preposition Behind Sentences Examples, Preposition Behind in a Sentence

Preposition Behind Sentences Examples, Preposition Behind in a Sentence

1. I peered behind him.

2. Alex remained behind.

3. We’re behind schedule.

4. Samuel hid behind a rock.

5. Shut the door behind you.

6. Do not run behind the bus.

7. To be wise behind the hand.

8. I sneaked up behind Samuel.

9. 25.Do not run behind the bus.

10. Alex shut the door behind him.

11. Don’t leave your stuff behind.

12. The shaker is behind the glass.

13. The rabbit hid behind the tree.

14. To lead people walk behind them.

15. The devil lurks behind the cross.

16. One of the girls was left behind.

17. She kept her hair behind her ears.

18. The boy was hiding behind the tree.

19. Who was that person behind your car?

20. You shouldn’t behind you when you go.

21. He has a wealthy supporter behind him.

22. You can hang your cap behind the door.

23. Samuel sat on the motorcycle behind Mary.

24. Let’s hide behind the curtain like puppets!

25. Don’t talk about people behind their backs.

26. There’s an elegant garden behind the palace.

27. The day always looks brighter from behind a smile.

28. George bent down to scratch the dog behind the ear.

29. The teacher lagged behind the curriculum in subjects.

30. He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.

31. The Darkest Minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces.

32. You can tell the strength of a nation by the women behind its men.

33. Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.

34. Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.

35. Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.

36. Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.

37. Feeling and longing are the motive forces behind all human endeavor and human creations.

38. Acquaintances we meet, enjoy, and can easily leave behind; but friendship grows deep roots.

39. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

40. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

41. O sweet, delusive Noon, Which the morning climbs to find, O moment sped too soon, And morning left behind.

42. Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living.

43. Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof.

44. When I moved out of my mom’s house at 18 I was almost as sad to leave her sewing machine behind as anything else.

45. You do have a story inside you; it lies articulate and waiting to be written — behind your silence and your suffering.

46. The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.

47. Imperialism leaves behind germs of rot which we must clinically detect and remove from our land but from our minds as well.

48. There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth.

49. Once I got over the fact that my Latin teacher was a horse, we had a nice tour, though I was careful not to walk behind him.

50. For behind all imperialism is ultimately the imperialistic individual, just as behind all peace is ultimately the peaceful individual.

51. All human plans [are] subject to ruthless revision by Nature, or Fate, or whatever one preferred to call the powers behind the Universe.

52. Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.

53. If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem. Love and peace are eternal.

54. I worked with John, but I had enough sense to walk just a little ways behind him. I could have made more records, but I wanted to have a marriage.

55. Beauty is ever to the lonely mind a shadow fleeting she is never plain. She is a visitor who leaves behind the gift of grief, the souvenir of pain.

56. I’m proof against that word failure. I’ve seen behind it. The only failure a man ought to fear is failure of cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best.

57. I got tackled once in a movie theater. I was with my mom and brother, and then suddenly I got hit from behind and sort of sprawled out on the candy counter.

58. We are of opinion that instead of letting books grow moldy behind an iron grating, far from the vulgar gaze, it is better to let them wear out by being read.

59. I build a kind of wall between myself and t he model so that I can paint in peace behind it. Otherwise, she might say something that confuses and distracts me.

60. If we are not careful, we shall leave our children a legacy of billion dollar roads, leading nowhere except to other congested places like those they left behind.

61. It is perfectly monstrous,’ he said, at last, ‘the way people go about nowadays saying things against one behind one’s back that are absolutely and entirely true.

62. It was like in Samoa when they’d put up a movie screen on the beach and show movies and the locals would run behind the sheet to see where the people went. It was pretty grim.

63. A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.

64. As a team, you need to come from behind every once in awhile just to do it. Good for the attitude. It makes it exciting. And when everybody knows you have to throw it… that makes it fun too.

65. I don’t get it when you get so much openness about the way movies are made, and the special effects and the behind-the-scenes stuff and all of that. I can’t help but feel like this reduces it a little bit.

66. If we think we have ours and don’t owe any time or money or effort to help those left behind, then we are a part of the problem rather than the solution to the fraying social fabric that threatens all Americans.

67. He who stands with his face to the East in the morning will have the sun before him. If he does not change his posture, the Earth in the meantime having changed its, he will have the sun no longer before him, but behind.

68. I think there’s a supreme power behind the whole thing, an intelligence. Look at all of the instincts of nature, both animals and plants, the very ingenious ways they survive. If you cut yourself, you don’t have to think about it.

69. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is a something that our mind cannot grasp and whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly and as a feeble reflection, this is religiousness. In this sense I am religious.

70. It used to happen in villages and towns in China that they would have – I guess you’d call them beauty contests – where all of the women of a particular village or town would be seated behind these screens or curtains with only their feet showing.

71. There’s already a marriage clock, a career clock, a biological clock. Sometimes being a woman feels like standing in the lobby of a hotel, looking at the dials depicting every time zone in the world behind the front desk – except they all apply to you, and all at once.

72. And you have a record company behind it, this is a key too, you need people to fight for your records, at least a little bit. So if you have a great song, it’s catchy, and you’ve got a little bit of help, I think that’s all you need. But there hasn’t been that in music.

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