20 Simple Present Sentences Examples, Present Simple Tense Example Sentences

20 Simple Present Sentences Examples, Present Simple Tense Example Sentences

1.I must prepare their breakfast.

2.Observers prepare their reports.

3.In time of peace prepare for war.

4.To secure peace is to prepare for war.

5.Expect the best, Prepare for the worst.

6.My mother prepares the meal at 6 o’clock.

7.Let him who desires peace prepare for war.

8.He gets up early every day.

9.He never forgets his wallet.

10.She always forgets her purse.

11.Steve often gets ear infections.

12.He wants to buy a new car.

13.My mother prepares the meal at 6 o’clock.

14.On weekends, I go to play basketball with my brother.

15.Water boils at 100 degrees.

16.It also teaches us about human nature.

17.George currently teaches English in Japan.

18.Apart from Spanish, she also teaches math.

19.Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.

20.The highest peak in the world is Everest.

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