20 A little, Little, A few, Few Sentences Examples

20 A little, Little, A few, Few Sentences Examples


He has few photos on Instagram.

They have got few cake on the table.

All know the way; few actually walk it.

There are so few cars in the parking lot.

Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.

I have got few friends in the city so I am lonely.


a few

The cut will heal up in a few days.

It was not eating a strawberry a few minutes ago.

I have a few purchases to make in this store.

We may only have a few minutes.

I think my mom threatened to put me up for adoption a few times.

We know but a few men, a great many coats and breeches.



Great cry and little wool.

We have precious little time.

Kevin is a spoiled little brat.

Great talkers are little doers.

There is little hope of success.

Little things amuse little minds.

The teachers greeted the little boy.

So much technology, so little talent.

There is little hope of her recovery.

They have had little rain this summer.


a little

I counseled him to wait a little longer.

I seem to have caught cold. I’m a little feverish.

Don’t worry, with a little more patience, you would have succeeded.

We have to wait a little bit for a safe and effective treatment.

I am a little angry with him.

Samuel began to feel a little guilty.

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